
Tips in Making a Payment Bond Claim

  If you are a subcontractor or supplier who has supplied construction materials for a building project, you should make a payment bond in advance. A payment bond is a contract signed between the project owner or subcontractors and suppliers providing raw material for the developing project. The bond is subject to claim due to payments from the owner who give guarantee you to have enough fund to make full payment of service after the project completion. If you are a supplier, you need to get this payment bond surety from the owner of the project by signing a legal payment bond. Unfortunately, if the owner is unable to pay the full amount and dues are remaining for material supply or services, you need to file for a payment bond claim . As you have signed the payment bond contract in advance with the owner, you are eligible to recover the dues in a legal way. For this aim, you may contact the payment bond attorneys in your city. The experienced construction lawyers in the United States

Conditional & Unconditional Lien Waivers: What They Mean & When to Use Them

  The real estate industry in the United States is growing with time. At present, the demand and prices of residential properties is increasing day by day. Now, the construction companies and builders are developing high-rising residential properties for buyers. But, they are struggling to get paid for their services and material supply by the property owners. Hence, the real estate authority in the United States has given the right to the construction contractors or subcontractors and material suppliers to file a lien against the owner to pay the due amount. Also, the material supplier and owner have to sign a lien waiver form or agreement. This form will allow the supplier to reserve the right to file a lie on the property they work at, if not get paid the full amount. Thus, it becomes easier for suppliers to lien on a house and reserves the right on it till get paid fullest. What is Lien Waiver? A lien waiver is a sort of document or an agreement signed between the counterpar

Five Key Issues for Lawyers Handling Public Construction Disputes

Public construction disputes are often tricky cases and the lawyers handling the case are expected to pay keen attention to every minute detail and pursue patience throughout the case. It is also advised that the lawyer must usually look for a two-front dispute resolution process. Now, this resolution process covers the expansive regulatory framework which plays an essential part in easy resolution and understanding.  A popular construction lawyer explains that the contractors who are actively engaged in public work should be aware of all the important aspects of the contract and the regulatory framework that comes along with it. One should be aware of the impact in case of a typical construction dispute. Let us further discuss the five important aspects and issues that a lawyer handling the public construction dispute face. Issue 1: using inconsistent terms in contracts There is a whole bunch of length specifications as part of the terms of a contract. A contractor and the la

Payment Bond Claim Notice Requires More than Mailing

  There are a lot of requirements to make a payment bond claim notice other than mailing. One of those aspects is the 90 days notice requirement which has to be fulfilled by the second tier or subcontractor or the supplier who has no straight contractual relationship with the general contractor. There have been several cases of failing to provide the notice which is taken into consideration by the circuit court and is examined under the little miller act. We at mechanics lien deal with a lot of cases of payment bond notice and claims. Our team is always ready to advise you on the best steps after examining the situation and always hopes to resolve the matter at the earliest. There is a very popular case that goes by the name of RT Atkinson building corp v archer western construction, LLC. The court while referring closely to this case looked upon the matter of whether it is right and legitimate to only mail the notice of claim instead of giving it in a manner that ends up satisfyin

What’s one way to get rid of a mechanic’s lien?

It hurts when you do not get paid for efforts or work. In case, you are a contractor or labor who does not get paid for the material supplied or labor work by the client. What should you do to get paid for the pending amount? Being a contractor or labor, you have the right to file for a mechanic’s lien against the owner to recover the amount. On the other end, the homeowner needs to focus on ways to get rid of a mechanic’s lien through the legal process. Before you file  a lien against the property owner, you should understand how mechanics lien works and their legal norms to follow. Being a contractor, you can use mechanics' lien power to recover unpaid amounts for the work done for the property. If you are unable to file a mechanics lien, you may take the aid of a professional lien attorney in the United States. There are many trusted law firms across the country, where you can find experienced property lie attorneys. You can hire an experienced lien attorney to handle your me

The 9 Elements of a Valid Claim of Lien

  The construction industry is pretty rigid in terms of timely payment of the workers. There are a lot of cases when a contractor or a subcontractor has to face the issue of non-payment by the clients. The same fate is experienced by suppliers most of the time because of the same irregularities. The frustration of not being rightly paid for your deserving work often makes these workers plan to go the legal way.   They have the right to lien a property . They can take the help of a legal firm that will help them to file a mechanics lien against the property for which they haven’t been paid. We at mechanics lien have some of the best experts who will be glad to help you seek the right direction and effectively file a lien if you haven’t been paid. The presence of lien law has given much-required safety shied to the construction workers who don’t have to worry about being not paid for their hard work. Once the lien is filed against the property, the owner loses its sole right over it an

How to Remove an Improper Mechanics’ Lien?

  The dispute between the property owner and the hired contractors is not new. Even the slightest of differences can escalate the problem between the two and can make the case look worse. Suppose the property owner feels that contractor has not done justice with the project assigned and there is still a lot of unfinished work or in some cases, the contractor has taken too much time to complete the project. In any such case, the owner might block the payment to the contractor. If the contractor feels he has been up to his commitments then he has the choice to simply retaliate with the   mechanic’s lien   on the property. But one has to take note that even a little mistake while filing this lien will result in expulsion. Court won’t take too long before expunging the mechanic’s lien altogether. An attorney might give you a fair bit of idea about the whole process and all the necessary things that one has to keep in mind while filing a mechanics lien. Let us consider an example of a most